Choquequirao Inca Trail (Cusco)

$ 0.00

  • PEN: S/.0.00

Choquequirao (from Quechua chuqi, gold, and k’iraw, cradle, that is: “cradle of gold”), are the archaeological remains of an Inca city located between the foothills of the snowy Salcantay, under the jurisdiction of the district of Santa Teresa , Province of La Convención, Department of Cuzco, southern Peru.

The archaeological monuments of Choquequirao are made up of buildings and terraces distributed on different levels, from the lowest Sunch’u Pata level to the highest truncated top, which was leveled and surrounded with stones to form a platform with an approximate area of ​​150 square meter.

Choquequirao (sometimes also as Choqequirau or Choqekiraw) is known as the “sacred sister” of Machu Picchu due to its structural and architectural resemblance to it. Recently, being partially excavated, it has aroused interest from the Peruvian government to further recover the complex and make it a more accessible alternative for tourists interested in learning more about the Inca culture.


Price: contact by whatsapp or email.

Next available dates: March 26, 2023.

Duration: 5 days.

Special service v.i.p.


In Choquequirao, the Incas of the Vilcabamba valley took refuge after the arrival of the Spanish, in their last attempt to reconquer their kingdom.


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